Wednesday 18 January 2012

Kids are checklists

I have just realised that my kids are checklists (and of honesty at that!). Now those of you who really know me, will know that I adore lists. It's just how my day/week/life unfolds without actually unfolding (the unravelling kind of unfolding I mean).

So it was with keen interest that it suddenly dawned on me that my kids actually provide these checklists. Now I don't mean provide as in create - because as a parent I know that indeed they (and their Father) are the greatest creators of tasks for me to do. Endless at that. Feed, tidy, play with, water, wash, feed, toilet, feed...well it's as infinite as a straight line is long!

But, really, this is how it sounds being recorded:

Please carefully note: It ALWAYS starts with "Mama". ALWAYS. Really, always.

I shan't translate it into my list because I'm sure you can see where it's going, what it requires. If you can' me!

And you know how we (read that as 'I') always complain that time is not enough. I can never get anything done in the time I have. That times passes too fast and before we know it we've run out....for chores, for being on time, for getting the toddler to the toilet in time (okay luckily I basically didn't have this problem but I understand this one and was making reference in support), for LIFE.

Well I have discovered over the past two weeks that time is my friend and the more I relax the more time I seem to have to manage things. Like lists and list of lists and kid lists.

Just look at this embracing the celebration of time:

But then when it comes down to it the throwing back and forth of verbal lists is very regularly interrupted by something that always demands an immediate answer. A response that flows naturally off the tongue and immediately quells all qualms, queries, questions, and provides faith and security in this ofttimes faithless and insecure society called 'the world'!

I love you two. The End.

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